Монопородный питомник
кошек породы
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • +375 (29) 710-08-40

Information for customers

We remind you !!!

From the moment of notification by the Breeder of the Buyer that the reserved kitten is ready to move to the new house, the Buyer has 5 days to pay the rest of the money for the animal and take his kitten from the Breeder's house. If the Buyer did not take his kitten from the Breeder's house at the expiration of this period, the Breeder removes the reserve from the kitten and puts it back on sale.

The reserve amount does not return!

In the event that the Buyer can not personally take the animal, the residual amount is transferred to the Breeder prior to shipment of the animal, for a few days, but not less than 3 days before the departure of the kitten from the nursery. If during this period the Buyer does not pay the residual amount for the animal, the Breeder exposes the animal again on sale and this animal is considered free from that moment and claims from the Buyer's side are not accepted and the refund is excluded.

The reserve amount is not refundable in the event of:

The buyer does not pick up the kitten at the agreed time. The buyer does not take the kitten from the moment the animal is ready to move to a new house. If the Buyer for one reason or another just decided not to buy a reserved animal.

The breeder is not responsible for the health and life of the kitten from the moment of transfer to the Buyer or Courier.

The breeder is not responsible for the further development and health of the kitten, from the moment the kitten leaves the kennel.

The reserve amount is refunded within 30 banking days in the event that it is impossible to implement the sales contract through the fault of the Breeder-seller (for example, the death of the selected kitten). When the reserve amount is returned by the Seller-Breeder to the Buyer, banking services are paid at the expense of the Buyer.

Status of Maine Coon Kittens:

  • Free - the Maine Coon kitten is on sale and is looking for a new home and a loving family.
  • Reserved - for the kitten Maine Coon made a reserve fee and it is off the sale.
  • Sold - for the Maine Coon kitten brought in all the money.

Maine Coon Kittens leave the nursery:

  •  vaccinated against major viral diseases
  •  leave the kennel no earlier than 12 weeks
  •  treated with parasites
  •  with a veterinary passport, a pedigree or a metric (depends on the purpose of acquiring a pet)
  •  accustomed to the tray and scribe
  •  with recommendations on care, feeding and education


Питомник имеет официальную регистрацию в валидной международной фелинологической системе FIFE.


Котята передаются новым владельцам полностью социализированными и воспитанными, приученными к туалету и когтеточке


Котята имеют полные пакеты документов: ветеринарный паспорт, метрику или родословную, договор купли-продажи и акт о передаче котёнка.


Животные в питомнике находятся под постоянным присмотром ветеринара и выпускаются только после полного курса вакцинации и дегельминтизации.
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